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All the flowers
of all the tomorrows
are in the seeds of today.

-Chinese Proverb

Adi Puckett Adi Puckett

Developing a Positive Mindset in Life

In my experience, negative responses are simply the easiest responses because they require neither intentional thought nor self-discipline. So, if we want our gut responses to be more positive and beneficial, we have to be intentional about building the mindset needed to pull it off. The mind has to be trained. Practice the Pause: We don’t always have to respond right away. Sometimes even just a few seconds is enough for us to choose our responses.

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Molly Thinnes, LCSW, RYT Molly Thinnes, LCSW, RYT

Having an Open Heart

Open Heart

When we see that in our life, we have received far more than what we deserve or are capable of, then gratitude draws in us. We become thankful, complaints disappear and abundance grows. Gratitude is a habit and a gesture of the heart, so to compliment this theme, classes will be building toward “heart opening” poses. We will be building strength in our backs in order to support the process of opening our hearts and breathing into that space that is often protected.

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Molly Thinnes, LCSW, RYT Molly Thinnes, LCSW, RYT

NEW Group Yoga Class Oct. 2022

Yoga can help us to nourish ourselves during times of transition. Whether it be the seasons changing, moving jobs, losing a loved one, going back to school, or just getting out of bed in the morning. We take ourselves wherever we go. We take our conditioned thoughts, our potentially easily activated nervous systems, our pain, our memories and joy. It is all inside of us at any point and yoga invites us to ask ourselves how we are holding it. How are we holding ourselves during difficult times or periods where it feels unsteady?

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About That Serotonin…

We take the time to review and discuss your family history, sleep, nutrition, and social support. We offer genetic, microbiome, and other testing to evaluate and recommend healthy lifestyle modifications that will help manage your symptoms and diagnosis. Our providers can help you identify and understand the connections between symptoms of stress, mood, inadequate sleep, and inflammation in the body…

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Val Prisecaru Val Prisecaru

Finding the Best Type of Fasting for You

Fasting levels can range from skipping just one meal, to an entire month of fasting. While a 3-day fast is a very common, useful, and effective way to fast, there are many other lengths. The longer you plan to fast, the more planning and medical attention it will require. If this is the first time you’ve fasted, you should start out slow. Discuss with your physician and choose from one of these fasting methods…

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Val Prisecaru Val Prisecaru

Why Should You Fast?

Fasting works for everyone, you just have to figure out which type is right for you. It’s literally in our DNA. Fasting can help you lose weight, reduces cardiovascular risk, cholesterol levels, inflammation, risk of dementia, asthma, wheezing, and chronic pain. Fasting helps slow down and in some cases even reverse type 2 diabetes. Fasting helps normalize hormone levels, including human growth hormone, insulin, dopamine, serotonin, and adrenaline. Learn more…

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Jami Kohlmann, LMT, CLT, CES Jami Kohlmann, LMT, CLT, CES

Manual Lymphatic Drainage for Health & Wellness

In a healthy lymph system, it is constantly working behind the scenes, and is a major part of the process to collect waste materials from the body and reabsorb them into the bloodstream to be processed and filtered. MLD can be used to improve a variety of other conditions as well and has many benefits for even the healthiest among us. Effective in treating autoimmune disorders, sinus and headache issues, anxiety, hypertension, and lymphedema.

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Lynn Corbett Lynn Corbett

Six Tips for Back To School

It is that time of year again. The time of year where we get to send our precious kiddos back to school. While those summer memories we were making were so beautiful and I will cherish them for the rest of my life. We need a break too but not before transitioning back to school which is stressful. I literally drive myself insane trying to balance out everything that needs to get done!

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Amy Cameron, LCSW Amy Cameron, LCSW

Rise Above with Positive Reframing

So many things impact our thoughts and decision making. Positive reframing can help us to avoid so many issues if we take the time to assess the situation and determine what ALL of our options are. What are the issues you are facing currently that the resolution of “Rise Above” might support you in making a positive decision? Here are some suggestions on ways to utilize positive reframing to get control and “rise above.”

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Dr. Shannon Donnals, PhD, LCSW, CCATP Dr. Shannon Donnals, PhD, LCSW, CCATP

Spring Into Wellness

Spring is a great time to put in place some healthy habits. We often feel refreshed, energized, and motivated in the spring months with the warmer weather, longer days, and beautiful scenery. Here are some ideas to help “put some spring in your step!”

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Dr. Jeff Schroder, PT, MPT, DPT Dr. Jeff Schroder, PT, MPT, DPT

Mind-Body-Spirit—A True Wellness Model

Our blended model to wellness is truly a unique approach. Each year of growth has brought an additional offering to where it is now—mental health, physical therapy, nutrition, massage, primary care and life coaching. We understand the benefits of each discipline and how each one acting alone can benefit all by acting together. Our organization is focused on the prevention and active participation of improving your health.

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Nutrition for Overall Well-Being

Nutrition is not only important for physical health, but also has significant effects on mood and mental well-being. Lacking certain nutrients may impact the quality of our mental health. Americans are often deficient in essential vitamins, minerals, and omega-3 fatty acids and patients experiencing mental health issues are often exceptionally deficient. You can improve physical and mental health by focusing on your nutritional well-being.

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Dr. Shannon Donnals, PhD, LCSW, CCATP Dr. Shannon Donnals, PhD, LCSW, CCATP

Self-Care During the Holiday Season

As we are well aware of, the holiday season can be a happy and joyful time, but it can definitely be a stressful and challenging time. Schedules can be chaotic. We often have many places to be and we often feel pulled in many directions. It can also be an emotional time for many. Self-care during the holidays is important for all of us. It is essential we are mindful of our mental and physical health.

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Jami Kohlmann, LMT, CLT, CES Jami Kohlmann, LMT, CLT, CES

Positive Effects of Massage for the Chronically Ill

The good news is that making some small intentional changes can make a world of difference, and there are many things a person can do to improve their quality of life while dealing with a chronic condition or illness. One of those things is seeking a good massage therapist and building a regular bodywork program with them to help you or your loved one throughout the journey.

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Tom Miebach, LCSW, CCTP Tom Miebach, LCSW, CCTP

Suicide Prevention: Building Empathy and Understanding

I would like to share some thoughts on how all of us can help reduce the frequency of this collective tragedy. First, I wish to acknowledge the incredible difficulty of this topic – especially for the many of us, myself included, who have personally lost loved ones to suicide. The weight of this issue can be overwhelming and painful. However, I truly believe the more openly we discuss suicide as a community, the less scary and daunting it will be.

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Jessica Nemecz Jessica Nemecz

A Time To Heal

If you’ve made it out of this past year without being hurt, devastated, attacked in some way, alone, abandoned, anxious, afraid, or angry then you are one of the few lucky ones who were able to wrap yourself in a bubble, unaffected by others and the world around us. 

I have started to wonder if we will ever get to a place of healing. I am the forever the idealist and I say yes! I do believe we have what it takes as humans, that we have been equipped with the ability to heal from hard things. I believe that we can heal as individuals, families, communities, workplaces, as a nation, and in our world.  As the old saying goes, there is a time for everything under the sun.  We are entering into a time to heal, if we are willing to do the work to get there.  I’m ready!  Are you with me?

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Amy Cameron, LCSW Amy Cameron, LCSW

It’s Okay to Not Be Okay: Thoughts on Postpartum Depression

Depression, unfortunately, is a struggle that many in our country are all-too familiar with. The National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) estimates that 16.2 million people, on a yearly average, have a depressive episode. But one of the most common, unspoken forms of depression is Postpartum Depression. An estimated 50-75% of first-time moms experience "baby blues." Fifteen percent of this group of women develop further, more severe symptoms that develop into Postpartum Depression.

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Jessie Rusteberg, LMT Jessie Rusteberg, LMT

Essential Oils for Beginners: Start simple, start small. 

As someone who has used essential oils in both their profession and personal life for the last  decade, I have heard many different thoughts, opinions, and tips on oils and their benefits. The  amount of information (and misinformation) available on oils these days can unfortunately be  overwhelming and, ironically, stressful to someone new to oils. 

My goal in this blog post is to give you a place to start. If you are new to essential oils, unsure  where to start, or feeling overwhelmed, you are in the right blog!

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Felicia Li, LCSW Felicia Li, LCSW

Expressive Arts…. Another Way of Healing

If you have been at the University Ave location, occasionally you will hear the sound of my steel tongue drum and wonder what is going on in that therapist’s room. My interest in expressive arts therapy started a couple years ago when I was co-leading a group that focused on using expressive arts to promote healing at the University where I was working.

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